Ford GT40 chassis number GT40 P/1000 :
General info:
The first car was named the GT (for Grand Touring) with the 40 representing its overall height of 40 inches (1.02 m, measured at the windshield) as required by the rules. Large displacement Ford V8 engines (4.7 liter and 7 liter) were used, compared with the Ferrari V12 which displaced 3.0 liter or 4.0 liter.
After chassis GT-112 the “production” began and the subsequent cars, the MkI, MkIIs, MkIIIs, and MkIVs, numbered GT40P/1000 through GT40P/1145, were officially “GT40s”
GT40 P/1000 Race results:
03/66 : Sebring, 18, McLean, DNF, Crash.
GT40 P/1000 History:
GT40 P/1000 was the first GT40 tub produced by Abby Panels according to Ronnie Spain’s book on the GT40. It was used as a setup tool to help fit fiberglass body panels for the first few production cars. It was finally completed using parts from the wreck of GT40P1006 that had been crashed while testing at Monza.
GT40 P/1000 was on loan to Comstock Racing out of Canada and was competing in the 1966 Sebring 12 Hours of Endurance race as car number 18 painted white as shown in the photo at the top of this page.
The link below leads to the crash photo of the Ford/Comstock Racing GT40 P/1000 crash with fire that killed driver Bob McLean. Please do not view this photo if this kind of thing will have negative effects on you. Please view with reverence. GT40 P/1000 Crash
An eye witness to the crash gave the following account:
I was standing at the fence perhaps 100 yds before the hairpin on the opposite side of the track from the pole. The way it veered, it appeared to me that something immediate and catastrophic happened to the right rear – the impression was as if the bearing seized or the brake broke and jammed.
The absolutely abrupt veer (more of an instant angle change than a rapid turn suggesting right rear lockup) began at the location on the track about where it seemed a fast car would first apply brakes. Thanks for letting me reflect. [Nov 5, 2010] Source
There is speculation about the car and if it was rebuilt and still exist. It is rumored to be in the UK under restoration. If any one has news please send update using out contact form.
Chassis GT40 P/1000 race results are from
Photo credit:
car seems to have been rebuilt on a new chassis invoiced by gelscoe
car his in france now…
Cette Gt 40 était présente Festival Motor Show d’Avignon en France cette année 2014
Elle appartient à Gérard Gamand, éditeur d’AutoDiva, magazine de l’histoire de la course automobile
La GT40 P1000 a été complètement détruite lors de la course de Sebring 1966. Il est possible que le numéro de série est été conservé ou récupéré. La voiture fut ensevelis dans la région de Sebring mais l’endroit exacte n’a jamais été révélé. L’accident est arrivé après que mon père est arrêté pour changer avec Bob McLean au 83e tour. Lors de cet arrêt, les plaquettes de freins ont été changés et la rumeur veut qu’un disque ou une plaquette arrière soit à l’origine du crash. Bob est ressorti avec la voiture et n’a pas terminé son tour. Destin tragique et mon père n’a jamais voulu discuter de l’évènement. Il n’est jamais retourner courser mais a été directeur de course pour Eustache Soucy, qui gagna le championnat canadien l’année suivante avec une McLaren MK1 conduite par Ross de St-Croix.
I have 4 photos of the GT 40 my late husband owned for a short time he purchased it in 1968 or 69 from FORD, and sold it in April 1970. It was either dark blue or black with white trim and it was in rough shape. He’d planned on rebuilding it, but marriage and children got in the way of his dream.
I browsed through the GT 40 registry, but have no idea which one it is. In the 1990s he got a call from someone who was putting together a registry. This is all I know about it. I’ll be happy to share the photos.
I owned GT40 Road car s/n P/1058 in 1968-69 when I lived in Belmony MA. I bought it from Al Grillo Ford in Lynn MA & traded my beloved Elan 26R in on it, one of the biggest blunders of my car career. There is false info in Ronnie Spains 1st e Edition of his GT40 book, icluding my sale of it. I sold it to Skip Barber who was at the time my Sales Manager at Autlab Imports in Woburn, MA. I can’t say enough about Skip. He was in every way a gentleman, and a square shooter, as well as a good boss. I st an unofficial OA lap record at Bryar in the Elan, which isn’t listed because it was while autocrossing with the Corvettes of Mass. Club. The record stood until the end of the 1967 SCCA season. I lowered Bob Colombo’s record of, I believe 1:19.6 seconds to 1:19.1.
I was in touch with Ron Spain for years and offered him proof and documentation on my ownership of P/1058 and my run at Lime Rock to make the sound bytes for the 1968 ads run at the Republican Convention in Miami. after a while, I lost tocuh with Ron, as I think he was preoccupied with legal problems over the 2nd Edition og his book. I also foolishly sold my cc of the 1st Edition, which I need now, as I’m writing a short story on why I bought my car instead of one for sale by Dick Cromer of Auto Engineering in Lexington, MA. I need the serial # and particulars of that car for the story. I rememver his GT40 was somewhat scruffy, also red, but not Carmen red I think, but a darker shade. Although time has dimmed my memory of this car, I recall it having meatballs with a number still in them, perhaps from its last race?
I’m trying to find out if Ron’s 2nd Edition was ever published and if so, where I can get one. Ron was so appreciative of the documentation I sent, he was going to send me a copy gratis.
I’ve owned many cars, restoring Ferrir 225Export #0170ET, and owning 340 Mexico #0226AT for 10 years before selling it to Bill Mariott. The histories of my ownership of both these cars have been deliberately falsified and stand that way in various Books such as Massini’s Vignale book and other Ferrari Histories. I’ve tried to give many imoprtant files, photos and historical info (including a real NART car badge to the various Ferrari Clubs without even the courtesy of a reply.
because of falsified info on both me and my Ferrari dealins, I now have a reputaion as a crook, which is completely untrue. I won’t say who helped spread this reputation, butit was several major players in the restoration & sale of Ferraris.
If you know anything about the 2nd Edition of Ronnie Spain’s book, I’d appreciate knowing if it was ever published and if so, where I could get one. Thank you very much.
David Carroll, 9380 Hidden Lake Circle, Dexter, MI 48130-9519