The GT40 Resource Directory will list any organization who’s business is related to the GT40.
Sellers, brokers, auction houses etc.
Builders of GT40 replicas etc.
Rather then list them all on this page you can use the top and right menu under the main heading “Directory” and find all listings in this section.
After the directory has been filled in with most all the currant listings available we will update this main page with proper categories and listings.
Listing submission:
Company owners or representatives: If you represent or own an organization involved with the GT40 in some way you can submit a listing by using our contact form.
Any one can submit a listing: Feel free to submit a listing you feel should be here if you just happen to visit and know of a company that should be listed here but are not an employee or are not involved with the company etc.
Simply state in the form subject line that you are submitting a listing for the directory then place the details you would like on your listing page in themessage section below. We will check it out first then ad the listing.
Listing requirements: You should have some information on your website stating your offering in regards to or for the GT40.
If your website contains no spacific offering and/or dedicated section for the GT40 we may not list your company. We can not simply list every company who sells car parts etc and does not put in the effort to specilize in the GT40.
Listing cost: There will not be a fee charged for listing your company in our directory.
The GT40 Directory is here as a reference for the public to use and enjoy at will.
We sincerly hope it will help people find what they need quickly and in a some way help any company involved in building selling etc of the GT40 on any level.
If you own or represent such a company and need a website we can help with that. We own a web hosting company called AVC Hosting. We specialize in reliable personal service at a price point that you will regard as a great value for what you get.
We sponsor Racing Teams with the offer of a no cost website if they are willing to meet our requirments.
We sponsor racing teams because this gains us exposure to the racing world and the people involved who many times are small business owners – our target market for web design and hosting.
We also provide sponsored no cost websites for people building GT40 replica cars who wish to have an online archive of their experience building such a car.
We offer websites for people building GT40 replica cars for the same reason we do for racing teams – exposure to the small business community.
People building a GT40 replica do not have to meet the same requirements as racers do. You do not need to place a large sponsor style sticker on your car but we would prefer you place a tiny sticker on your window with your own website address.
On your website we will place a message and a page stating we are the providers of the website and pointing out the fact we offer business hosting. That is the requirement you will need to accept.
Interested? Contact us using the contact form on our main menu or call 509-663-1124 any time except very early please.
We are located in the state of WA in the US so calculate the time before you call if you are in another time zone or on the other side of the world. Business Hrs are 9 AM to 10 PM 7 days a week.
Owner AVC Business Hosting